About Us


Expert drain and sewer services in the Gateway to the Great Smokies

Zoom Drain Knoxville is owned by Lucas and Somer Zappe. This husband-and-wife team brings a unique blend of professional expertise and a passion for community to the heart of Tennessee. With Lucas’ 14-year background as a dedicated operating room nurse and Somer's experience in business management, they've embarked on an exciting journey together.

Lucas holds a bachelor’s degree in nursing and has spent nearly a decade and a half as an operating room nurse. His nursing career has honed his problem-solving skills and instilled in him the value of teamwork and efficient communication. These qualities have become invaluable assets in the world of business ownership. As a nurse, Lucas has learned the importance of swift problem-solving and the significance of collaboration in achieving shared goals. These invaluable traits have seamlessly transitioned into their entrepreneurial endeavors.

Somer's background brings a fresh perspective to the team. Armed with a bachelor’s degree in business management and experience gained during her tenure at a mortgage company, Somer's skill set complements Lucas’ medical expertise. Her business acumen and eye for opportunities have been pivotal in their entrepreneurial journey.

Lucas and Somer embarked on a quest to find the perfect business opportunity in Knoxville, and their search led them to Zoom Drain. The company's culture, openness to franchisees, and rapid growth trajectory resonated with their vision. They recognized Zoom Drain as the ideal choice, balancing a proven concept with a thriving market and robust support. Zoom Drain's year-round, recession-resistant, and essential services perfectly aligned with Lucas and Somer's criteria for a successful business venture.

The Zappes fell in love with Knoxville and made it their home in March 2022. They appreciate the city's proximity to scenic mountains for hiking and nearby lakes for boating. The vibrant downtown area provides a safe and enjoyable environment for them to unwind and explore.

Lucas and Somer enjoy outdoor activities, hitting the gym, and pursuing their individual interests in their free time. Lucas is passionate about music and enjoys playing the guitar. Their lives recently experienced a delightful transformation with the arrival of their baby girl, Everett, promising a future filled with new hobbies and family adventures.

Lucas and Somer Zappe's mission is to provide top-notch drain cleaning services while embracing the vibrant Knoxville community. Zoom Drain Knoxville is more than just a business; it's a testament to their dedication, teamwork, and love for their newfound home.

Our RaveReviews

  • "1400.00"

    - Russ